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Bucher Law Group, LLC

How Can a Habitual Traffic Offender Regain Their Driving Privileges?

 Posted on January 31,2024 in Criminal Defense

Jefferson County Traffic Offenses LawyerThere are many different types of traffic violations that can be issued for Wisconsin drivers. They may include “minor” violations such as speeding or disobeying traffic signals, as well as more serious violations such as DUI/OWI, reckless driving, or causing someone’s death in an accident. If you receive multiple traffic violations within a specific period of time, you may be labeled as a habitual traffic offender, which can have serious consequences for your driving privileges. If your driver’s license has been revoked because you are a habitual traffic offender, you will need to understand when you may be able to regain your driving privileges. An attorney with experience representing clients in cases involving traffic violations and driver’s license suspensions or revocations can provide the legal help and representation you need to address these issues correctly.

What Is a Habitual Traffic Offender in Wisconsin?

According to Wisconsin law, you may be categorized as a habitual traffic offender if you accumulate four major traffic violations or 12 total traffic violations within a five-year period. Major traffic violations include offenses such as intoxicated driving, reckless driving, homicide involving the use of a vehicle, failing to remain at the scene of an accident, fleeing or eluding a police officer, refusing to submit to chemical testing after being arrested for OWI, or felony offenses involving the use of a motor vehicle. If you meet any of these criteria, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will classify you as a habitual traffic offender, and your driver’s license will be revoked for five years.

Regaining Your Driving Privileges

In some cases, it may be possible to challenge a revocation based on errors made by the DMV. If information in your driving record was incorrect, or if the number of traffic violations you received during an applicable period was miscounted, you can request a review of your case in your local circuit court. If you can show that you should not have been deemed a habitual traffic offender, your driver’s license may be restored. Otherwise, you will have to wait until the end of the five-year revocation period until you can regain your full driving privileges.

In some cases, you may qualify for an occupational driver’s license that will allow you to drive during the period of revocation. You can apply for an occupational license two years after the original date of your license revocation. An occupational driver's license may allow you to drive under certain restrictions. In general, you will be able to drive to and from work or school, to and from medical appointments, and to run errands such as driving to the store or transporting your children to and from school. You will also be limited to driving no more than 12 hours per day and 60 hours per week, and you may be limited to driving in specific counties in Wisconsin.

Contact Our Jefferson County Traffic Offenses Lawyer

If you are facing penalties as a habitual traffic offender, or if you need assistance obtaining an occupational driver's license, Bucher Law Group, LLC can provide you with legal help to ensure that these issues will be handled correctly. Our Dodge County traffic violations defense attorney understands Wisconsin traffic laws, and we can help you determine the best steps to take to prevent a driver’s license revocation or address other issues that may affect your license. Call 262-303-4916 to set up a free consultation today.






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